Mars trilogy

Obrázek uživatele Gary Stu



Nirgal was feeling sick. Coming from martian gravity to terran gravity was a horid experience for any martian native. After all it was the most dangerous thing a martian could ever do. The gravity combined with the unimaginable variety of viruses, bacteria and diseases in general meant that many martian born people died while visiting. Children of Earth fated not to survive the home planet.
And the same was beginning to happen in the outer solar system - martians were settling moons of all the gas giants or hollowing asteroids to live inside a rotating ball. Never to survive Mars again.

Obrázek uživatele Gary Stu



The planet was blanketed by the great storm. From space, to the many people arriving to its orbit, Mars looked only like a blurred ball with no features visible. It was the longest global sandstorm in the known history. It lasted for more then one martian year already with no sign of slackening.
Sax Russell, the leading terraformer of Mars was considering the sand fixing strategies he introduced in past decades. Considering how the storm hinders all terraforming efforts. In ignorance and total uncomprehension of people’s indignation at never seeing more then a meter of the planet at one time.

Obrázek uživatele Gary Stu

Early settlers


The first martian colonists, known as the first hundred, was a strange mix of nationalities. Most of them were Americans or Russians, but many were from other countries. All of them brilliant. With such a mix, it was perhaps not so surprising they didn’t stay in one place but scattered all over the planet, bringing great impact as individuals.
When the second large group of settlers landed, they were all japanese. The second martian city ever was fated to endure through all the problems of ensuing decades, influencing history as a unified force, still inhabited by those who founded it.

Obrázek uživatele Gary Stu



After six months in a spaceship, they were there. Finally. They were all running around and immensely enjoying themeselves. But there was a lot do. Many things were delivered to Mars long before the settlers arrived. So they had a lot of unpacking to do, not to mention making the temporary shelters work. Right now Hiroko Ai was trying to open a door of one of the shelters.
“Stuck,” she cried. Nadia went to help. She bashed the door several times at the right places.
When Hiroko looked at her in astonisment, Nadia said with a cheerful grin: “Engineer’s solution.”

Obrázek uživatele Gary Stu



In just days the first settlers will land on Mars. However, before that comes the aerobreaking. A difficult but necessary maneuver. Their ship, the Ares, couldn’t hold enough fuel to stop itself, so they had to use Mars’s own atmosphere to slow them down. It was highly dangerous - hit the atmosphere at an angle only a few miliseconds of arc lower and burn. Hit it a bit higher, don’t decelerate enough and hurtle to certain death in the outer space.
The Ares shook and trembled violently for a while.
Suddenly, it stopped.
The approach was perfect.
The colonisation may proceed.

Obrázek uživatele Gary Stu



Arkady Nikelyovich Bogdanov, one of the first colonists, was ready. He travelled all over Mars and everywhere created a big impact. Telling people controlled by earth corporations that they should be free to do anything they wished. Speaking with such enthusiasm. Building hidden shelters everywhere. Crafting weapons. All of Mars except terran police and corporate troops was backing the revolution. He knew all about the huge terran militaries, but they weren’t on Mars. The martian gravity well was overcome by a space elevator, but the shear distance was huge. He laughed madly and with a single call started the revolution.

Obrázek uživatele Gary Stu

Legend of the little red people


John Boone, the first man on Mars, was the first to see them. They were so small, that many could live in a corner of any house. The color of martian stone, you could see them only when they wanted. They tried to talk to the lumbering giants, whose actions and fights they couldn’t understand. Shouting in many an ear. But it was only John who listened. And when he died, the little red people almost gave up. However, it’s said it was their combined telepathic voice, that kicked the martians into creating the new order after the second revolution.

Obrázek uživatele Gary Stu

Life under ice


One day Hiroko Ai, a leader of the famous hidden colony, heard young Nirgal calling: “The sky is falling!” She came out of her bamboo dwelling and saw that part of the ice from a roof indeed fell and a few icebergs were floating on a lake in the middle of her habitat. She sighed. Living hidden under the southern polar cap was becoming difficult. After a few decades of terraforming, the global temperatures were rising and the polar ice was slowly disappearing. They’ll have to do something about that. She shuddered at a thought of leaving their hidden sanctuary...

Obrázek uživatele Gary Stu



The martian land was destroyed and being destroyed. Ripped apart by the terraforming. By the mining. Four billion years of almost unchanging rock. And everyone everywhere destroying it. Ann Clayborne was watching through the window. The martian landscape so old and beautiful. She was a geologist - how could she not love that land? How could she not hate all that was done to it? Infested by life, flooded, bled dry by mines... So many years of trying to protect it. And all for nothing. She put on a pressure suit. Out of the airlock. Just lie on the rock waiting...

Obrázek uživatele Gary Stu

The scientist

Úvodní poznámka: 

Tak dál pokračuju v představování mé oblíbené knižní trilogie...


When he entered, Saxifrage Russell was sitting at his desk reading. John Boone, the first man on Mars, smiled. It looked like results and statistics from the many experiments Sax was doing as a head of terraforming.
He’s such a paradigm of science, Boone thought. He even wears a lab coat.
John was recently amused by a story he overheard. A hundred rats with hightened intelligence retroinjected their minds into a lab technician. Saxifrage Russell, a blinking conglomeration of some hundred hyper-intelligent rats.
“Here’s my investigation into the sabotages. There’s even some statistics for you to enjoy,” John said smirking.

Obrázek uživatele Gary Stu



Since the longevity treatment discovered some decades ago people weren’t dying, just getting older. And their mental health was giving Michel Duval a lot of work. However, now he was heading home. But his beloved Maya Katarina Toitovna was also one of his most troublesome patients. He was wondering at what stage of her usual emotional rollercoaster ride she’d be tonight.
When he came to their apartment, he stopped in shock. Maya was standing in front of a mirror, her head completely bald. Michel cocked his head and smiled. It sort of worked on him.
“Beautiful as ever,” he said.

Obrázek uživatele Gary Stu

Real work

Úvodní poznámka: 

Ne, že bych chtěl tolik psát, ale rád propaguju svou oblíbenou knižní trilogii ;-)


Nadezhda Francine Chernyshevski, creator of Underhill, the first human settlement on Mars, formerly known as general Nadia from the second revolution, formerly member of the martian executive council and president of Mars to boot, was immensely enjoying her new freedom. After three m-years of being in the middle of the newly formed martian state, constantly immersed in its politics or internal bickering of all sorts, she could finally get back to what she loved. Building. Not just programming AIs to do it, as was usual, but working the machines herself. Building the martian capital. Doing real work for a change!

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Jenom kdyby někomu ihned nedošlo: AI je artificial intelligence...

Obrázek uživatele Gary Stu


Stejně jako všichni ostatní je napjatá - zanedlouho se dozví, kdo bude tvořit prvních sto lidí, jež se vydají na Mars jako osadníci. Mnoho měsíců strávili v Antarktidě v izolaci od zbytku světa. Neustálý dohled výběrové komise a celého světa byl opravdu velkou zátěží. Mohla samozřejmě využít magie - to by ale nebylo správné. Jako ostatní se spoléhala na své znalosti. Mezi těmi, kteří vydrželi, jsou některá z největších jmen různých vědeckých oborů. Samozřejmě mnoho kosmonautů. A jedna čarodějka -alespoň se Hermiona domnívala, že všichni ostatní byli mudlové.
Už za chvíli.
Ano, zvládla to. Šedesátá.
Teď ještě, jak na loď propašovat Harryho...

Poznámka: inspirováno crossoverem Magical Mars (

Obrázek uživatele Gary Stu


“Lidé jsou tak zapomnětliví,” pomyslel si.
Před dvěma staletími byl Mars červenou pustinou s černými vyhlídkami. Kontrolován hamižnými Terrany. Tehdy revoluce selhala, hlavně protože na povrchu nešlo přežít déle než pár vteřin.
Před sto lety se teraformování Marsu projevovalo v podobě řas a lišejníků, ledu a vody. Pořád se ale nedalo žít na povrchu tohoto modrého Marsu - člověk jen nezemřel okamžitě.
Teď je Mars zelený - lesy v kaňonech, moře, řeky... S unikátní marťanskou kulturou. Volný od terranské nadvlády. Přesto místy zůstane navždy červený.
“Taková neopatrnost,” mumlal si, když prohlížel tělo. Olympus Mons je příliš vysoká než aby někdy měla atmosféru...

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