
Obrázek uživatele Naughtilus

Doesn't matter how long you've been out there, the universe never ceases to show new wonders. My people, they don't quite appreciate the sheer beauty and magnificence of stellar objects our mortal senses can't even comprehend. We set sail among the stars, and what do we do? We kill, we lay waste, all for some vague 'glory'.
A beep returned me to the present. I tore my eyes from the spectacle on the viewscreen.
I may be a dreamer, a stargazer, but when push comes to shove, I too am a Klingon.

"Intercept course! Drop the cloak! Disruptors, full spread!"

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Obrázek uživatele P.M.d.A.

To je takový sladko-smutný :-)

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