On the Other Side
Ještě trochu napnelismus.
Signal sounded and Thorne perked up. They were in.
He marched straight into Comm 3, the small room designated for this operation. Lynx was already there.
“We have visual,” he said as if the confirmation was needed.
“Get extraction team, right this minute. Get her out,” was the first thing Thorne said when he looked at the screen. Osprey sitting on the table, Psycho looming over her.
“She has it well under control.”
“No. This guy is dangerous. Don’t you see the signs? I worked with him...”
“Raven, I am in charge of this operation. No extraction necessary.”
“You wish.”
- Pro psaní komentářů se přihlaste.
Ta čárka za Osprey tam nemá
Ta čárka za Osprey tam nemá co dělat.
I'm glad to see Raven channeling his inner Lioness. "Don't you see the signs", indeed.
Jo, už si na sebe moc zvykli
Jo, už si na sebe moc zvykli :D
To se ti povedlo
Pěkný střih :)
Jako já nechci, aby Thorne Risu podceňoval, tak doufám, že je ona opravdu v nebezpečí.
*crrrrrr* Dobrý den, chcete si promluvit o spasení?
Mně by se před příští téma
Mně by se před příští téma hodilo ještě nějaký jiný.
Nojo, no, máme takovou velkou louku, potřebovala by spást...