
Obrázek uživatele Tess
Úvodní poznámka: 

Bez nárku na bodík.


Arne sneaked up to the cage with the animal and put down his sleeping bag.
He didn’t feel any different as he was falling asleep.
And then... he was lost.
Series of images flying through his mind...
Shooting a girl on a cliff...
Shooting a man in a car...
“You cannot trust anyone...”
“You cannot trust MORIA...”
Dark, dark, dark cave... walking backwards...
Bright, bright, bright light and all those colors; tents, tents set up, magical animals everywhere, he should report this market to MORIA, MORIA, now follow the colors to the cave...
Who am I?
He got lost.

Závěrečná poznámka: 


Obrázek uživatele Zuzka

se nám nějak zacyklil...

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