Under a Different Sun

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Maddie was still reeling from the paradigm shift of the last month. Or maybe the jet-lag. Or the...
"Ready for the tour?" Vishal flashed her smile number 275 since she got here last night.
She could feel his excitement and pride. A month ago she'd be feeling the same... Now she was aware that she feels something he doesn't - curiosity. Owning emotions was taking some getting used to.
A slight hint of impatience from him told her he's waiting for answer.
"Lead the way!"
And he did - through the banana plantation and ayurvedic garden housing the local branch of Moria.

Závěrečná poznámka: 

No, těch 100 slov je fakt nějak míň, než si pamatuju. Mňo. Tak uvidíme, co s tím vykouzlíme.

Následující >


Obrázek uživatele Elluška

Maddie a Indie, hmm! Sdílím její zvědavost a mám velkou radost :)
Sto slov je málo, ale zase jdou proto napsat rychle, než tě stihne někdo najít :D

Obrázek uživatele Peggy Tail

Neznám fandom, ale líbí :)

Obrázek uživatele Tess

Tak jo, tak Maddie, tak Indie, tak začínáme. Už se těším.

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