More of the Same

Obrázek uživatele Blanca
Úvodní poznámka: 

Maddie took one more handful of the curry and then pushed her plate away.
"Am I putting you off your appetite?" her companion asked curiously.
She shot him a look - was that in her file too?
Her empathy took several forms before she knew what it was. One of them was affecting her sense of smell and taste.
She almost stopped eating for a month, and preferred eating on her own ever since.
But this time that wasn't the problem.
"You're fine, it's the curry itself. It's been a week and my mouth is so numb everything tastes the same..."

Závěrečná poznámka: 


Obrázek uživatele Tess

V Indii bych hladověla. Já mám kari ráda, ale tu pravou verzi nejsem schopná pozřít.

Obrázek uživatele Zuzka

Ufff, je mi jí líto. Za obé - za pálivé, i za ten projev nezpracované empatie.

Toto drabble má 101 slov, pokud za něj chceš dostat bod, oprav ho a pošli odkaz na opravené drabble na mail Do předmětu zprávy prosím uveď: Oprava tématu č. 5.

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