Damned if you do...
"I'm taking you and Racoon back with me," Wolf said.
"No," Aminah replied.
She waited to work on project like Synergy ever since the Professor first brought her here.
Going to the Agency was not going 'back'. She had nothing to go back to.
Wolf gave her a week, before being extracted anyway.
She didn't tell him about Synergy.
She couldn't refuse to finish it even if she wanted.
Professor would just find someone else.
Over dead bodies.
She realized that when she found her little apprentice unconscious in the lab, obviously magic stricken after tampering with the three artifacts.
- Pro psaní komentářů se přihlaste.
Trochu ji lituju.
Wolfa taky lituju.
Nelituju Thorna, ale to čistě jen proto, že se tu dneska nevyskytuje.
Co taky v Praze.
Samí Češi s tou svou srandovní češtinou.
Jinak podepisuju, co napsala Tess. Akorát o Thorna se nebojím, ten to zvládne, je šikovnej.
Že píšeš napínavě je zbytečné pořád opakovat :)