"Can I've one caramel frappuccino and hot chocolate but kid temperature."
"One caramel frappuccino and hot chocolate, do you want a cream on top?"
"Only on the chocolate, please."
"Anything else?"
"Gabriel, did you finally choose what you want?"
"Oh yes, can I have half-whole milk and half non-fat milk, no foam, two shots of decaf and two shots of regular, three pumps of caramel syrup and three pumps of vanilla syrup, with cream on top, sprinkles and caramel syrup on top as well in the venti cup, please."
Sam just sighed and looked at the poor guy with pitty.
Jestli by to bylo pitelne nemam tuseni :D
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Jsem si jistá, že někomu by
Jsem si jistá, že někomu by podobné kafíčko udělalo převelikou radost!