I Can Teach You, But I Have to Charge

Obrázek uživatele Kahvi

It was breathtaking. Steve didn't know the collective noun for sea turtles, but it ought to be something like magnificence. He walked over to a grinning Tony.

"You're looking smug, even for you."

"Told you my special feed would bring them into the yard."

"Congratulations, you're still a genius."

"The trick is seaweed. They go crazy for it."

"The breeding program will be happy." They had struggled to find enough males, but now they were swarming in.

"Did you know seaweed is an ingredient in milkshake?"

Steve groaned. "Tony. No."

"All the boys-"

Steve kissed him to shut him up.


Obrázek uživatele Smrtijedka

This is too good for words :D.

Obrázek uživatele Kahvi

Thank you - blame my friend Mike! :D And Tony. :)

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