You did it
Sam(carefully): Dean why is it so dark here?
[few quiet seconds]
Sam (little bit scared): Dean this is not funny, where are you? I can't see anything in this pitch black.
[still no sound]
[sound of careful steps, opening a drawer, rattle noise]
Sam (angrily): Come on work you trash flashlight...
[more rattling, more angry noises]
[victory sigh followed by muffled screach]
Dean (dangerously): Hello Sammy, we need to talk.
[sound of steps, pulling the chair, somebody sitting down]
Sam (frustrated): Dean we talk about it many times.
Dean (angrily): You ate my cherry pie, I know it was you!
Nemám tušení jestli sem to napsala správně :D budu jen doufat.
- Pro psaní komentářů se přihlaste.
:D Jsem se už bála, co přijde
:D Jsem se už bála, co přijde za pointu, ale tohle mě zabilo. Parádní! (Akorát mám teď chuť na "cherry pie". :( )