
Obrázek uživatele Blanca
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Nahrazuje téma "Na Adama"


"Back to square one," Raven sighed.
"It's not quite as bad as that," Owl picked up the scene sketch. "We now know it was a tragic accident, not murder. And we have the weapon."
"Only a part of it."
"We need to ask the girl some questions," Owl concluded.
"Let's take this back to the top, shall we?" Thorne's voice was soothing. "What was the chant?"
"Something... jewish? I think. Irena said it's calling a ghost of a man. It worked. The board responded."
"What did it say?"
"Seemed like gibberish, really. D-B-R-H-A-D-M- I don't remember... it ended on Goodbye."

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Téma tam je dvakrát - "muž" se hebrejsky řekne "adam", a "od začátku" se někdy česky říká "od Adama", tak "na začátek" může být "na Adama", ni?


Obrázek uživatele Tess

Jsem zvedava,co z toho vypadne nakonec...

Obrázek uživatele Elluška

Začíná to být pěkně creepy. Novým způsobem.

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