Missiles & Magic

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Missiles & Magic

...because 'Sword & Sorcery' just won't cut it anymore, and there is no kill like overkill.

Svět je plný magie pro ty, kteří ji chtějí vidět.
Naštěstí pro nás jejich počet není příliš vysoký.
Naší prací je znát magii ve všech jejích podobách a formách.
Vyhledáváme ji, chráníme ji, usměrňujeme ji a nedovolíme jí padnout do špatných rukou.
Jsme hlídací psi, kteří zajišťují, že ti, kdo se magii rozhodnou užívat, dodržují pravidla.

Vítejte v M.O.R.I.A. - Agentuře pro získávání magických předmětů a informací (Magical Objects Retrieval and Intelligence Agency).

Naši agenturu založil ve 14. století Karel IV. a na jeho počest má své hlavní sídlo stále v Praze.
Její síť však obepíná celý svět a svádí dohromady jednotlivce z nejrůznějších životních cest, lišící se v metodách práce, schopnostech i preferencích.
Naši agenti, krtkové a informátoři monitorují vytváření, používání a obchod s magickými artefakty a shromažďují informace o nich.
Hlídají magická pole a portály, i ty, kdo je ovládají a využívají.
Zajišťují, že magická stvoření zůstávají mimo dosah běžné populace.
Řeší situace, kterých se běžné složky výkonné moci nechtějí (nebo nemohou) ani dotknout.
Chrání magii před světem a svět před magií.


Maddie je agent-empat, toho času na samostatné infiltrační misi v Londýně, kde se má dostat k Sarmadovi - čaroději, jehož záměry jsou momentálně nejasné.

Risa je rekrut citlivý na magii. Jejím prvním úkolem je udržet během rutinní 'doručovací' mise mimo nebezpečí seniorního agenta a bývalého člena speciálních jednotek Thorna (který magii necítí). Problém nastane, když Thorne zjistí, co balíček, který doručují, vlastně obsahuje.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Ch. 9 - What Are We Missing?

Úvodní poznámka: 

(Je elektronický/magický hmyz splněním zadání? Možná. V tom případě je v této kapče "překvapení č. 1")

Obrázek uživatele Tess

8.5 The Maze

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Ch. 8 - Rerouting....

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Ch. 7 - Home to Roost

Obrázek uživatele Tess

Ch. 6.5 As Clear As Day

Úvodní poznámka: 

Navazuje na Blančinu kapitolu On the Scent.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Ch. 6 - On the Scent

Obrázek uživatele Tess

Ch. 5.5 The Way In

Úvodní poznámka: 

Navazuje na Blančinu pátou kapitolu Going Somewhere.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Ch. 5 - Going Somewhere

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Ch. 4 - If Not Us...

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Ch. 3 - Crime Scene

Obrázek uživatele Tess

Ch. 2.5 - Quiet Christmas?

Úvodní poznámka: 

Spolupsaní s Blancou, už zase, z mé strany občasné.
Po pravdě, dokopávám se i k pokračování Ostrovů, ale nedělá se mi to snadno. Příliš mnoho linií, příliš mnoho možností, kde je Apatyka, když ji člověk potřebuje! :)

Tato kapitola navazuje na Ch. 2 - I Can Do No Other. Jo, a děj máme tak nějak porozvržený.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Ch. 2 - I Can Do No Other

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Ch. 1 - Mission Non-existent

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Fat Lady Sings


They stood by as the mechanism pulled the gasket in and the heavy door closed.
"There will never be another like her," Philip shook his head, voice trembling.
"It was her time. She's had a good, long and happy life," Thorne added.
"Two lives. At least," Philip smiled with glistening eyes. "But still, she deserved so much more!"
"At least she went peacefully," Maddie offered.
"Yeah, she just... sputtered out. Even pulling the plugs didn't help."
Then, as the mechanical noise rose to a crescendo, he caressed the last thing left of her - the license plate.
"Rest in pieces, Smogey."

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Díky všem kdo četli a komentovali :)

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Family dinner

Úvodní poznámka: 

Nahrazuje téma č. 27: Známka punku


The memory came unbidden. First family dinner at his sister's he brought Maddie to, "making it official".
Deirdre was her suspicious but prim, proper and pleasant self.
Maddie could charm anybody (that thought sat particularly ill with him right now) but that evening she was trying to be 'normal'.
Philip kept the atmosphere light that night. And she played along.
To the point, that Deirdre - as the youngsters did the dishes - suggested Maddie might actually be more appropriate (Agewise. Of course.) for him than for Thorne.
"Treat her well for me, uncle," Philip winked at him as they were leaving.

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Tohle jsem si chtěla napsat už dlouho. Známky punku - řekla bych, že říct vlastnímu bratrovi, že jeho přítelkyně by se hodila spíš k jeho synovci je dost punk ;) (a Philip s tou poznámkou, která směřuje k tomu, že kdysi Maddie skoro svedl - no, nebo ona jeho, jak se to vezme - je taky trochu punk - ve smyslu 'no good')

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Hold Together


"She swears the baby is yours. Are you going to do anything about it?" Philip asked his uncle gingerly.
There was no answer. The young agent didn't have to be an empath to feel the chill radiating from Thorne.
"Look, I get you don't want to talk... even think about it. And that's cool. Just... The worst thing that could happen, if you *do* care for them... is you look gullible, if she's lying."
The fists on the table have clenched.
"If she's telling the truth, you'd be abandoning your child. And that's not something you want held against you."

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Friend zone?


The most awkward thing on a gift like Lion's was it created a lot of false expectations.
Some were easy to remedy (or ignore), because he didn't *need* to see his mark again, and didn't give them a way to contact him in the first place (or not a real one).
But then there were the assets he was expected to cultivate and work with over a longer period of time.
Some stretches of silence (not ghosting! never ghosting!) spoke volumes by themselves.
And if they didn't - there was always loudest one after he asked "can we still be friends?"

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Whip Me Into Shape


"Do you do this often?" she asked, breathless, as they finally collapsed onto his bed.
He looked at her via the mirror on his ceiling.
"Not really."
Truth was, BDSM was not his usual kink. But having a magical whip was too tempting to resist.
And, he mused as he replayed the last hours in his mind, there was something to be said about the satisfying twang of it against exposed skin and the moans it elicited from his - thoroughly chastised - partner.
So much so, actually, that he might have to put it in his repertoire of amorous tactics permanently.

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Pozn. "nařezat" je tam ve smyslu anglického "spanking"

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

High Horse


They caught up with the winner in the mingle after the competition.
"Congratulations on the ribbon!" Lion beamed at the slight brunette.
"Pity we can't let you keep it," Owl added quietly. "Given that you haven't played square."
She gave the old man a withering look.
"I have no idea what you mean."
"The magic in your whip, dear."
"It's not against the rules," she shrugged.
"Let's see if the judges think the same, shall we?"
"Unless you want to tell us where you got it... and then maybe we could figure out a better use for it," Lion winked.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Betting Man


Lion slid onto his seat in the section reserved for coaches and owners of the horses.
He compared his betting tickets with the list, looked up and frowned.
He couldn't see the starting paddock anywhere.
The PA system blared a jingle and the announcer called out horse number 1 - Spring Blossom.
The horse and rider approached the tribune, curtsied (he didn't know horses could do that) and began something that looked almost like a dance routine.
"I thought you said horse races, Owl?"
The older agent smiled: "I said competition, laddie. Dressage. It's a modern, very precise and cut-throat sport."

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Toto je lehce BJB.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Don't Be Hasty


Osprey seemed spoiling for a rumble.
"We totally could take him, I tell you!"
Lion shook his head.
"Didn't both Tiger AND Raven tell you it's a bad idea?"
"But what do they know. We could just jump in and out..."
"As much as I appreciate your enthusiasm for revenge, Osprey, this is something I will have to handle by myself, and with a bit more grace than just 'hurr durr, go get 'em'! Believe me, I tried."
He shook his head, bracing, and then stepped into the restaurant where his father was waiting for him with his new family.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Training Wheels

Úvodní poznámka: 

Nahrazuje téma "Paralýza výběrem"


The fight was more or less equal, with none of the combatants having a clear advantage.
"Is that all you got?" Lion teased.
"Actually..." his opponent smirked and pulled out something, that was probably an artifact.
Lion jumped back and the spell almost missed him.
He remained standing as a statue.
His opponent came closer to him, but right then a portal opened under his feet.
A moment later Osprey appeared through another portal, Tiger on her heels, rubbing his back.
"Well, that worked pretty great," she smiled.
"Not sure I'd pick it again," Lion, melting from the paralysis replied.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

The Talent Show


I've known about my gift since... high school, senior year prom season.
Of course, that's when every guy thinks they have it...
*eyebrow wiggle*
[audience laughs]
Most guys in college would sell their abused kidney for it.
Luckily for my brother, my kidneys were safe - I never went to college.
[audience laughs]
Of course, if indeed you give up a body part, you don't need feromones to attract the women.
That scar? Oh, I had a near death experience a month ago. I'd tell you more, but being an agent, I'd then have to kill - um, sorry, kiss - you.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

And Yet...


Philip knew most people found his uncle intimidating at the best of times, but he never felt that way. Until now.
The anger that lashed out when that mousy salesman came - that was bad. But the void staring out of his eyes afterwards was way worse.
Void that hid emotions Philip remebered only too well.
Betrayal and hurt, feeling helpless and useless in the face of the circumstances.
And being so utterly alone, isolated - partly by choice, mostly by the belief that no one could understand anyway.
"You know you still have us," he tried.
"I know," the void answered.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca



Lion didn't quite expect to run into Swan in the staff kitchenette, especially not late in the evening.
"I'm glad to see you back on your feet," she said, shutting the oven door and dusting her hands off on an apron.
"It's good to be back," he replied, curious and a bit apprehensive at the same time.
He reached for the coffee machine, while the director started chopping something on a board with almost vicious energy and speed.
"Here, toss this into the pot for me," she handed him the board.
"Ummm... what are you making, a potion?"
"Chocolate custard."

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Check That Mate


"Snooping around and getting tongues wagging," the chief smuggler narrowed his eyes at the young man who shouldn't be in his office. "Sounds like a rat got into our operation."
"Look, mates, I just wanted to check out the real big game. Got a bit uppity for a pawn, is all," Lion cranked his charm up to 11.
"For a pawn of the other side, who has no 'mates' here to check on him," Azad's eyes were cruel, mocking. "Any god you'd like to check in with, before we end this charade, 'mate'?"
A knife flashed into Lion's back.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Not Quite Unknown


"I'm telling you, Fox, this is different!" Lion argued. They were several weeks into their assignment, infiltrating an artifact smuggling ring in France. Mostly it was gruntwork in various warehouses.
"It was awfully hush hush that whole thing, init?" Fox agreed. "An' the orders for it came from Paris..."
"If there is someone else in charge - "
"We need to find out. Better send word back though."
They did, but before they heard back from HQ, Lion volunteered as courier to Paris.
When he caught a glimpse of the leader of that operation, he knew he saw those scars somewhere before...

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

And you?


"Where would you like to go to dinner?" Lion asked his newest mark.
"Do you trust me?" She smirked back at him.
"You don't strike me as a weirdo, so yes?
"See, that's exactly it. Normal is boring. Weird is the new sexy." She winked.
"Yourself included, by the way," she added slyly.
"In that case," he laughed. "When should I pick you up?"
"Five thirty. When did you last go roller skating?"
"Years ago! Why?"
"Probably no reason, but... I do ride roller derby. We have a real shot this season."
"Dead on! I'd love to see that sometime."

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Čtěte úvodní slova řádek ;)

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Operation What now?


"Hey Raven, I heard about Birch Bark, great work!" Squirrel smirked at the agent as they passed each other in the corridor.
"Thanks, Squirrel. Can you send me the sheets for Matinee, when you get a minute?" Raven nodded.
"Sure! And Lion, I still need the paperwork for Trinket from you."
The youngster frowned with his nod.
"Ermm... which one was that again?" he asked Raven when Squirrel was out of earshot.
"The blond with the expensive tastes?" Raven supplied.
"The operation names sound like they are pulled out of a hat."
"Actually, I think now it's random words generator..."


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