The situation was deteriorating fast.
Suddenly there was a crash and an arrow flew in through the window, closely followed by a dwarf, yelling something that might have been a battlecry, or an insult to whoever threw him.
In the few minutes that followed, the confused Mirians lost any and all advantage they initially had.
Soon enough they were pushed out of the room, some through the just opened window, others through more conventional means (the door).
Finally, with feline elegance, the ranger swung in on a rope and landed softly right next to the safe, lockpick kit in hand.
- Pro psaní komentářů se přihlaste.
1. Trpaslíkem se nehází! (Proč jsem chtěla dodat něco o příbuzných?)
2. Jako tabaxi jsem zásadně běhala vertikálně po zdi :))
Toss me! Toss me! - Gimli
Of course, he was joking ;)
(tohle mám ve skutečnosti z DnD historek Davida Webera :D )
Určitě mohla i vyběhnout, ale zhoupnout se jí dalo možnost nejdřív vystřelit, visíc na laně mimo dohled ;)