Don't Fence Me In

Obrázek uživatele Kahvi

"I'll bet you're not used to these, huh?" The young man had two left eyes. She knew it was impolite to stare, but what else could she do? It was already watching her.

"I'm sorry," she said, finally, realizing he'd asked something. "What?"

"We call them windows," he said, speaking slowly. "They let us see outside our houses. The fancy kind has glass in 'em."

"We have windows in the vault."

The boy frowned. "Underground? How come?"

"So we can see outside our houses."

"Into what?"

The idea froze her, but not before the mini-nuke threw her out the window.


Obrázek uživatele Smrtijedka

What do they see? No, don't tell me, let it be scary and unknown.
The drabble - great, I love your descriptions and the dialogues (said the AI in me, apparently).

Obrázek uživatele Kahvi

Heee! I, for one, welcome our AI overlords if they're providing quality feedback. :D

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