What We Do in the Greenhouse

Obrázek uživatele Kahvi

The room might once have been a winter garden, but now the glass walls were all darkened with what was either tar or centuries of grime. The floor was overflowing with greenery in name only.

"Welcome to my sex garden!" Nadja grinned, gesturing eagerly to a thin, purple flower. "This is Old Woman's Ear."

"Salvia verticillata." Lazlo nodded. "Grandmother's ear, we called it."

"Yes, your village was very stupid," Nadja interjected. "Over here, we have Worm's Balls, Cock's Fresh-"

"And you make aphrodisiac potions here?"

Nadja frowned. "No. I have sex here."

"Speaking of..." Lazlo winked.

The camera panned away.


Obrázek uživatele strigga

:D Jak vystřižený.

Obrázek uživatele Smrtijedka

A teď si to přelož, protože já nevím jak a Kahvi nemluví česky :D

Obrázek uživatele Kahvi

Hey! Ja mluvi all the words. Slovo. Vec. Medved. Ulice. Hrad. Sometimes I use these guys, even: '` (also others).

Obrázek uživatele strigga

Oh, I'm very sorry! I was confused by the use of the Czech name of the fandom. Your Czech is definitely better than my English skills! :-D I wrote that the characters' behavior is perfectly captured :-)

Obrázek uživatele Smrtijedka

Perfect ♥. Nadja being a loving bitch, Laszlo knowing the Latin name for a plant, the obvious reason for having a sex garden... Wonderful :D.

Obrázek uživatele Kahvi

I love their dynamic so much. I wish there was a way to communicate Lazlo's inflection in writing...! Thank you. :D

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