8.5 The Maze
The day near Solstice is really short, so it was dark outside when Tiger woke up. A quick check of his watches told him is not that late - a couple minutes after five. Both of the women were still sleeping soundly, but for him some four hours of sleep were enough.
He quietly checked the place.
Taped under the table - a standard place for most of the safe houses - was an envelope with couple hundred euros. He pocketed about fifty.
Lets have a look and see if the area is safe and no no one has followed us.
A Spar they passed somewhere earlier earlier gave him a good cover.
Just a tourist going for some basic food shopping in this late afternoon.
He quietly cracked the door open...
„Going somewhere?“ a sleepy voice stopped him.
„Just checking the area. Get some more rest, Lioness.“
And off he went.
When he came back some two hours later, he found Lioness on the small terrace outside, sitting in a meditative position, eyes closed, hands palms up on her knees. Her breathing was so regular he would have believed she fell asleep, but her eyes opened and laser focused on him as soon as he took two steps towards her.
"How big of an area were you checking exactly?" she asked quietly, with just a slightly accusatory look towards the bag in his hand. He raised it with a shrug.
"Noone looks twice at a guy with a plastic bag. Besides, fresh food is an asset when you can get it."
He set it down on the table and started pulling things out - a can of Peroni for himself and a bottle of gently sparkling water for her. She accepted with a nod of thanks, motioning for him to continue talking.
"I walked half the way back," he obliged. "People stick to the main thoroughfares, so these smaller streets are mostly quiet. One canal over, there is a street full of restaurants. It's much livelier over there. I didn't see anything that would suggest they are watching. But this is a prime location to go to ground if that's what those bastards wanted. Very easy to lose a tail or set up an ambush, hard to follow anyone or anything effectively."
Lioness nodded, his observations mostly corroborating her own.
"The magic here seems to reflect the physical world," she agreed. "Although it's not as easy to lose someone who follows a trail of magic. Even in a dense place like this."
Tiger's eyes narrowed towards the still sleeping Osprey.
"Ya, but we should still move on as soon as we can. Who is to say they will keep relying on only magic."
"Give her a bit more time. She's little use to us depleted or half-powered."
His frown darkened, but he had to acknowledge her point.
"Why don't you prep the breakfast... or dinner, or whatever meal you got?" she suggested, eyes closing again, continuing her empathetic exploration of the streets and canals around them.
Tiger was not looking very happy. But anyone can make fried eggs and when he is the one making them, he can at least have them just the way he likes.
The butter hissed.
The coffee maker made noise, producing a fresh batch of local coffee. Strong and good. The rustling noises were heard. Plates clinked.
Osprey slept on.
It didn’t take too long to get everything ready. Tiger brought the food to the table, starting conversation, not lowering his voice anymore. Almost seven hours was plenty of rest for anyone.
Osprey slept on.
„You can wake her up, but she wakes up mean,“ Lioness answered the question he didn’t ask.
„I know,“ he answered gruffly. But then a smile crept up on his lips and he turned to Osprey, looking at her her intently.
It didn’t take long and Osprey shot up in the bed, ready to strike.
“Breakfast‘s ready,“ Lioness said calmly.
„Oh, fried eggs with smoked salmon! That’s what I call a good start of the day.“
„The place they portalled to is not far away,“ Risa said as she finished her food. „Actually we could almost see it from the terrace.“
For a moment she was contemplating leaving her colleagues in here, checking the area by herself, getting rid of all the possible, most probable traps, but she was better than to voice this idea. There is no way Maddie would agree. Or Tiger.
And maybe they would be right. Better stick together while following the tracks.
They popped out to Fondamento de la Capuzzine, filled with restaurants and pubs that were getting quite lively in the evening. But they turned back to Fondamento de la Sensa, this area dark and quiet. They followed Rio della Sensa, not diverting anywhere safe dark alleys that followed the bank of the canal in a short distance. As Canale della Misericordia opened up ahead of them, Risa slowed down.
„Just around the corner,“ she said in a low voice. She turned right and crossed the bridge, followed the canal and here there were. Fondamenta della Misericordia.
A small square with a church like building. It’s large door was closed. And locked.
And, for a good measure, glowed.
„Magic alarm,“ Risa warned.
„I can take care of this,“ Maddie shrugged, „but the lock might pose a problem.“
„Not that big,“ Risa took out a lockpick. „I came prepared.“
With Tiger on the lookout things went pretty well. They had t stop for a short while, when a water taxi passed by, but the driver was watching the canal and not the banks. As the alarm was taken care of and the door were unlocked, Risa looked at Maddie.
„Anyone inside?“ she whispered.
Her friend concentrated. „Should be clear, as far as I see.“
„Alright there. Watch out for traps.“
Risa opened the door a crack and before anyone could stop her, she slid in.
Tiger quietly swore.
„All clear as magic is concerned,“ Osprey’s voice was heard. „Come on in.“
She didn’t have to say that.
The place was a large room taking the most part of the building. There were large pieces of fabric hung here and there, arranged in strange layout.
„What is this place?“
Tiger asked in a low voice.
„A gallery,“ Risa answered. „We need to get to the second floor.“
A wide staircase tucked in the side corridor, hard to find unless you knew it’s there.
Still no traps. That’s strange, but maybe they didn’t have time - or need.
Upper floor, divided by wooden walls into little rooms forming a maze.
The portal opening was easy to see for Risa.
All of the portal openings.
She swore.
„What is it?“
„Seven. Someone activated seven portals here.“
„Well I told you there is plenty of portals in Venice Unfortunately... at this spot as well.“
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