I carry her with me, I kept her light

Obrázek uživatele Urrsari

When we first met, we both were new to this world. But as you would expect with a newly hatched star, we were pulled to each other and orbited each other from then on.

With her, I understood ancient heroes and works of classics who said there was no force greater than a love for a friend. She shone and in that light, the world seemed to be brighter.

In our endless spinning, I didn't realize how much of her light I consumed. As we got closer, the dance got faster.

I hope she is still there.

In my emptiness.

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Neviem, aké sú teórie o tom, čo sa deje v čiernej diere.

Neviditelný fandom: 


Obrázek uživatele wandrika

Odtiaľ vlastne niet úniku... výborný nápad!

Obrázek uživatele Urrsari

Ďakujem za koemntár a za pochval nápadu, cením si to.

Obrázek uživatele Urrsari

Ďakujem za koemntár a za pochval nápadu, cením si to.

Obrázek uživatele Urrsari

Ďakujem za koemntár a za pochval nápadu, cením si to.

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