
Obrázek uživatele Kahvi

Owl Party

Úvodní poznámka: 

Listen, I love Czech, but with all the love in the world - HOW DO.


Four years. Plenty of time, or so you'd think. Yet here she was at her best friend's wedding reception, and all she could say was:

"Oblek." The brides blinked in confusion. "Uh," she repeated, "hezky oblek?" That fucking owl.

"Uh... diky?"

"Klobouk," she added, taking frantic inventory of their surroundings.


"Chci... jiný klobouk."


"Vidím hezký šperk!"

"We can speak English if you like-"

"Moje žena nenosí šperky."

"You're not married? Listen, we appreciate the effort, but-"


They looked at her. She looked at them.

"Dobrý," she said, reaching out to hug them both. "Dobrý velký flám."

Obrázek uživatele Carmen

Táborová kuchyně

Úvodní poznámka: 

Souvisí s tímhle


Ferda rozpačitě obrací promočený zápisník.
„Já nevím, ale to jste po sobě museli házet zrovna naší kuchařkou?“ povzdechne si.
„Kuchařka je pro žabaře,“ utrousí Riki, „dívej, máme brambory, máme cibuli, marmeládu, jabka...“
„Nezpochybňuju tvou michelinskou hvězdu, ale marmeláda do guláše?“
„...česnek, tamhle roste něco, co je... možná... pažitka,“ nenechá se přerušit Riki a rázuje po kuchyni.
„Takže... Brambora...,“ mumlá Ferda.
„Šup tam s ní,“ energicky máchá vařečkou Riki.
„Hraboš,“ zařve Ferda přehrabující se v bedně.
„Hoď ho do hrnce,“ přitaká Riki bezmyšlenkovitě.
„Riki,“ odvětí Ferda výhružně, „oficiálně tě – v zájmu veřejného zdraví – přeřazuju z kuchyně na údržbu latrín.“

Obrázek uživatele Dangerous

The Roles

Úvodní poznámka: 

didn't = 2 slova

Možné číst samostatně.
A nebo ne. Předchozí: The Thoughts


What was he?
A colleague. Bitchy sometimes, but ready to help.
A brother. You cannot choose your family.
A son. The same, only a bit more challenging.
A friend. Loyal, funny, supportive.
A pet owner. He used to have a rabbit. When he was 6.
A neighbour. Pretty quiet. Except for the times he was not.
An actor. Still at heart, out of work now.
A writer. His life's necessity.
A dreamer. His essence.
A cook. If he didn't want to die.
A cheat. How did that come here?
A lover. How did it happen now?
But it did.

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Další: The One

Obrázek uživatele Dangerous

The Concerts

Úvodní poznámka: 

Dá se číst úplně samostatně.

Nebo ne. Předchozí: The Flow


They were always life-changing. And what a role they played in his love life!
Under quarantine again, he was sitting on the floor, crumpling up concert tickets he had found in a box. The first kiss; the first hangover; the last kiss; falling in love; falling out of love...
He put them aside and found others saved online. A memory here, a memory there.
Until he found that one.
The one when he almost got ran over.
The one when he scarred his leg.
The one when his heart broke to pieces he was still trying to retrieve until today.

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Další: The Thoughts

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