Missiles & Magic

Obrázek uživatele Blanca



Aminah's phone rang in the middle of the drive.
Her unofficial phone.
"We have a problem," Racoon's voice sounded level. "Professor is appointing new head of the Petra project. There are three candidates."
"I'll put in a word for you."
"I am not one of them, Mouse. It's not good."
That was stating the obvious.
She stopped the jeep, breathing and listening for a few moments, but he didn't go on.
"He doesn't trust you," she stated.
"We need our person on that list, Mouse. You're the only one who can try."
She ended the call and punched the wheel.

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Wiktionary tvrdí, že dříve se "terno" používalo ve významu trojice kandidátů na pozici. Tak tedy budiž v drabbleti tento význam ;)

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Obrázek uživatele Tess

Almost There

Úvodní poznámka: 



Thorne continued. Slowly, steadily. Minutes stolen here and there.
Cameras put into the control room. Not much work left...
His eyes widened. He hit a jackpot. The servers were accesible from the Agency now.
Too bad he tripped a flag in the process.
He needed five more minutes to end this part.
Thirty to be done.
The alarm will sound in fifteen.
There was no choice.
After five minutes he took the USB out and left the room. And the building.
When the alarm sounded, he was safely out. Angry, but...
With the Agency uncompromised, someone else can finish this.

Obrázek uživatele Tess

Quis Custodied Ipsos Custodes

Úvodní poznámka: 



Noone in the control room, as usually at this time.
Thorne put the USB stick into one of the computers. Again. A program made by an unknown expert continued to install more an more into the network. Sending information out.
Which artifacts they keep tabs on.
Which they destroy.
Who they watch and what is their profficiency in magic.
And who they, meaning this branch, eliminate.
Is it really magic what is poisonous here?
He gave the sceen a piercing look.
They won’t continue for long with this.
True to his name, he will be a thorn in their side.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Adventures in Tailing


Considering he barely saw anything through the slit in the veil, things were going well.
Thorne kept distance, following the taillights.
She'll lead him where he needs to go, willingly or not.
The taillights suddenly disappeared. He slowed down to creeping pace.
He got just close enough to make out the silhouette of the jeep in front of him when its headlights flashed and it sped straight at him.
He barely had time to dive headfirst into the brambles on the wayside.
Cursing, he jumped up, covered in thistle heads, tore the headscarf off and glared after the disappearing jeep.

Obrázek uživatele Tess

One Touch

Úvodní poznámka: 



A good night’s rest and some good meal can do a lot for one’s spirit. Thorne hastened his pace. He has couple more minutes...
He was beaten, but far from being defeated. And far from being without resources.
So he lost a phone. No big deal.
He entered through garage. In the corner sat well loaded truck, ready for today’s work. Well loaded for sure.
Passing the truck, Thorne reached behind the cabin and tore of a little package.
A new old Alcatel popped into his hand.
As the welcome picture appeared, Thorne nodded to himself.
Always have a backup.

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Měla jsem ho, byl můj oblíbený, takže vítací obrázek moc dobře znám.
Alcatel One Touch 331. Fakt!

<<< Předchozí Pokračování >>>

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

In Plain Sight


The hideout was more crowded than it should have been, when Aminah got there couple days later.
She pulled aside the two people she needed and set a time and place for pick up with them.
Out of the corner of her eye she caught a movement in the back of the cave.
It was a woman in a niqab, fretting.
Something was off about her.
As Aminah left, the woman slowly followed.
She waited for Aminah to start her car, mounted a motorbike (growling and cursing at the fabric of the dress getting in the way) and tailed her.

Obrázek uživatele Tess

Solid Ground

Úvodní poznámka: 

Taky druhá do tématu.
Protože potřebuju!


“You need rest.”
Thorne was way too pale.
“I need to watch out. Cannot rest.”
“I’ll watch out for you, tonight.”
“Sure you will,” Thorne chuckled, then ran his hand through his hair..
“Wake me at 0300.”
“Will do.”
He didn’t sleep well, flinching all the time. Risa needed to stay awake, keep watching her surroundings. So she started to sketch. Window. Door. Clock.
It was three.
“It’s time,” she said quietly.
Thorne shot up and looked at the clock.
“Wake me at 0630.”
He slept more peacefully, didn’t even move.
I wonder how does he like his coffee?

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

A Clue


[fire cracking, cicadas chirping, quiet talk in the background]
Thorne: Where did she take you?
Woman's voice: Can't tell.
Thorne: I just need help. For my family...
[coins clink]
Woman: It was dark. No light. Only crack, high up.
Thorne: A cave then.
[fabric rustling]
Thorne: [resigned] Which direction?
[wood snaps, scratches against sand]
Woman: That's how you go.
Thorne: Thank you.
[fabric rustles, steps walk away from the fire]
Thorne: Thanks for your services.
Guide: Desert dangerous at night, I guide!
[coins clinking]
Thorne: No need. Me and darkness are old friends.
[pistol magazine snaps, small motorbike starts up]

Obrázek uživatele Tess

Deep Undercover

Úvodní poznámka: 



“Why am I here?” Risa asked after the food was eaten.
“Pass on the message,” Thorne replied. “Tell them. To remove the head would do more damage than good, as local leaders are crazy. At least some of them. Tell them. I am setting up a survailence system securely transmitted to the agency. One or two more weeks, tops. To watch this Psycho and his branch carefully.”
“Why didn’t you send it by email? Or text? You were texting me...”
“It passed through someone else’s account. Now he is dead. Tell them... I might need an exctraction. A fast one.”

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Never Give Up


"No," the woman said icily. "You won't tell. And you're no use to me."
She gave her companions a quick succession of commands in Arabic, ignoring Thorne.
Five people got onto the jeep and they drove off, leaving him in the dust, defeated once again.
She was right.
He wasn't ready to put lives at risk - and talking wouldn't help his cause.
The dead end got deader.
In the evening, one of the hidden people, creeping back, flashed Thorne a quick, shy smile.
A ray of hope, a kick off towards the surface.
He offered them food and started asking.

Obrázek uživatele Tess


Úvodní poznámka: 



Thorne: Turn the light off!
Risa: This is a safe place...
Thorne (angry): Turn the light off!!!

Risa: I know it’s not my call...
Thorne (icily): It isn’t.
Risa: But you look terrible.
Thorne (dark): Don’t you say.
Risa: Something’s wrong, right?
Thorne: Not your call.
Risa: But I will report it.
Risa: I’m not afraid of you...
sounds of breaking furniture
Risa (carefuly leveled voice): You KNOW there is something very wrong.
Thorne: I’m close to finishing the mission, Osprey.
Risa: Good.
Risa: Here.
Thorne: What is it?
Risa (calm): Sandwich. Eat. Rest. Survive tomorrow.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Pressure is on


This time Aminah was voluntold to lead the recruiting party. She scanned the crowd. The soldiers with her knew very little about magic. Still, there were some people she couldn't quite pass by.
She lifted her hand to point them out, eyes cold and hard.
"You want me," the man spoke broken Arabic with an accent. No magic.
"I am not your way to heaven from this purgatory, soldier," she declined in English.
"Oh, you're definitely not an angel, I know," his eyes were as hard as hers. "Take me. Or I'll tell your companions about your other activity here."

Obrázek uživatele Tess


Úvodní poznámka: 

Na tohle téma druhé, protože se nestíhám vejít. A hodí se.


The next step was getting the lawyer guy to safety.
“Follow me,” Risa said, passing the man in a smart suit who was leaving the bank. “I’m your ticket out.”
“Where are we going?”
“Far away.”
“I’ll get taxi then.”
A car stopped next to them.
“Hop in.”
“No!”Risa pushed him to the nearby building, lead him through and into the back alleys.
“Suicidal much?” she muttered.
They took the airport express.
“Where do we fly?”
“Nowhere.” Risa ignated the portal activator.
After showing the lawyer through, she looked around.
Someone was here.
They need the safe house.

Obrázek uživatele Tess

Hanging by a Thread

Úvodní poznámka: 



“... and what are YOU doing here?”
The blow was unexpected.
Thorne hanged his head low and mumbled apologetically. If he could, he would show Psycho what for... but he couldn’t. Not yet.
He was walking a fine line with the crazy local leader. Keeping close enough, getting intel...
From the next room a cracking noise sounded.
... but not too close to actually be considered a thread.
He was great in following orders...
“You, big guy. Get rid of this body, will ya?”
He was also sure he is going crazy in here.
He needs out. But finish his job first.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Recruitment Criteria


"Prime specimen, gents, really," Thorne's guide doubled as slave agent. "Strong. Fast. Good fighter."
Despite his efforts, the men were not interested in Thorne. Only people with magic. The guide made him hide from all the other crimps coming through.
"No intel, just guns. You need best. Magic one."
Various people hid from various groups. There was a young woman coming into the camp irregularly, usually before the magic seeking group came. She gathered a few people - mostly children and women - and took them away.
Where, nobody knew.
Sometimes those people came back after the crimps left - sometimes they didn't.

Obrázek uživatele Tess

The Second Best

Úvodní poznámka: 



Thorne needed someone reliable. Someone he could work with.
He needed Maddie.
That was not possible.
Not because he would want to protect her. Not even because she was taking care of their little one.
Maddie knew him too well. As an empath, she couldn’t be fooled.
And not just her. Every seasoned agent would know something is amiss. They wouldn’t listen to his explanations. He has this under control. He will not abort the mission.
Not an seasoned agent, but someone reliable, who would listen to his orders. And not die.
It’s time for Osprey to leave the nest.

Obrázek uživatele Tess

To Get In

Úvodní poznámka: 



You need to be good.
Good enough, but not too good.
Smart enough to follow orders.
Strong enough to fight. Not too strong to endanger them.
They cannot see how good, smart and strong you really are. That’s the only way you can get in. Slowly. Infiltrate, watch, set them up.
Sometimes that means you need to lose. You need to seem defeated.
Thorne was strong enough not to let his pride stand in the way.
He allowed himself to lose.
It was a path to victory.
The blood in his mouth tasted sweet.
He planned the next move already.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Variety of Responsibilities


The artifact she was restoring gave Aminah some trouble as the original text on it was mostly illegible.
She traced the intricate lines with practiced precision.
As she finished the last one, there was a flash of magic.
It left a metallic aftertaste in her mouth, but she smiled.
Job well done.
Time to put it in the hold.
In the corridor she met a soldier leading a little girl.
"Ah, Mistress, new apprentice for you, Master said."
She had the sinking sensation of realizing you forgot something vital.
The sweet child shouldn't be here.
She could have stopped it.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca



"If my father isn't here, WHAT on Earth are we waiting for?" Thorne was pacing between the tents, drilling his guide with a glare.
"No worry, they come," the guide was unperturbed.
"People who find people."
"Why didn't we go to them directly?"
"You no come them, they come to you. They pick. Less danger face to face."
As the guide finished, a jeep drove into the camp and Thorne finally understood. The three men on it were - quite obviously - crimps for one of the paramilitary fractions.
This was their recruiting pool.
And they were not taking just men...

Obrázek uživatele Tess

Short Vacation

Úvodní poznámka: 



Risa was back from the mission for almost two weeks and in top form. There was a talk about her learning some more about portals. Soon.
That'll be fun.
But for now, her availability shined green.
Then her phone rang.
“I need a favour,” he said without any introduction.
Isn’t he in deep cover?
“An escort for someone. Keep him safe.”
Of course he is.
“In case they take him, you need to kill him before he talks.”
“Can you do that, Osprey?”
Deep breath.
“Intel in your mail. See you on the other side.”

Obrázek uživatele Tess

A Good Potential

Úvodní poznámka: 



Tyndrum felt strange. In a good way.
They stayed in one of the round houses. Basic, neat and dry, as heavy rain started to beat on the roof.
The last place. We didn’t learn much. There’s something going on, but we don’t know how to put it all together.
That’s above my pay grade anyway.
For now.
Tomorow we fly home and let someone else deal with the data.

Risa turned her back to the wall.
There was something in this place. It has always been here.
She didn’t use it. She just was... it passed through her and healed.

Závěrečná poznámka: 

<<< Předchozí Pokračování >>>

"Drum" může být anglický slang pro domeček, aha, aha :D

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Part of me will always stray


The magic was pulsating, beating, thrumming.
Much more than sum of nine parts.
In Aminah's mind it conjured images - drums of war, the beating of thousand feet in a military step, the clank of a disc magazine being clipped into a weapon.
Steady beat of an enormous heart.
One that made you want to follow - to become a part of it.
It was calming and disquieting at the same time.
The Professor watched her closely.
"Now that you understand... can you replicate it?" his voice broke through her trance.
With cold composure she dodged the answer.
"I need some air."

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Nowhere in particular


Thorne looked at the stars. For the last four hours they headed due west. Which should soon bring them to where the borders of Iraq met those of both Jordan and Syria.
It wasn't the shortest, or most comfortable route. But his guide insisted on it.
Rocks that weren't quite mountains rose around them.
It came as quite a shock, when their ledge-of-a-road turned sharply around a cliff and they found themselves in the middle of an uncharted refugee camp.
"Anyone can get lost in this land," the guide explained, unperturbed. "Here is where you get found."

Závěrečná poznámka: 

ledge-of-a-road počítám jako 4 slova

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Obrázek uživatele Tess

The Crossroad

Úvodní poznámka: 



Risa fell asleep in the truck, snuggled to Fox.
That was new.
Their destination did have a signal. It even supported videocalls.
“Should we abort?” Fox asked. “Ospery was hit quite hard.”
“How are you, Osprey?” Swan asked.
“Fine. Shaken, but fine.”
“Really?” Swan gave her quizical look.
Risa turned away from screen so the telepath could not read her mind...
That wasn’t very smart.
“There is one last place left,” Swan turned to Fox. “The decision is yours. Don’t go in if it feels similar like the last one. Extraction team will be ready.”
But better not use them.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Answers Unasked

Úvodní poznámka: 

Nahrazuji téma Tři krát tři.


It wasn't long before Wolf's question was validated.
As she returned home that night, she knocked on Professor's door.
"I have the things you wanted. I couldn't make the heads or tails of them, though."
"Ah, dear Aminah, you still have so much to learn. And so much curiosity..." his voice was the combination of amusement and condescension.
She smiled.
"Teach me."
He arranged the nine artifacts in equal groups on his desk carefully.
She could feel their magic interacting and changing.
"Constellation magic?" she wondered.
"Some things only work in synergy," he smirked. "Can you figure them out now?"

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Reporting Nothing


"Talk to me, Mouse," Wolf's voice came through the magical interface.
"Not much to tell. He's still turning up mostly useless artifacts," Aminah shrugged. "His grunts are tyrannizing everyone and there are rumours of possible connection in Iran."
"Iran?" Wolf sounded surprised.
"Do you want me to look into that?"
"No," the answer came too quick. "No, Mouse, I'll deal with that myself."
"Use me, Wolf. I can handle it. Don't baby me."
"Negative, Mouse."
"He trusts me."
"Does he tell you everything?"
"He tells me enough."
"And we need to keep it that way."
"Roger Wilco. Out."
She sighed.

Obrázek uživatele Tess

Last Chance

Úvodní poznámka: 

Opět - na pokračování, nečtěte po tématech, čtěte po šipkách.
Nebo každý zvlášť, to by snad nemělo vadit.


There was no signal in this place. They could try the (possibly compromised) payphone or go somewhere else.
Unfortunatelly bus service wasn’t running on Sunday. Hitchhiking it was. Thumbs up...
Risa was still pale, but tried to look cheerful enough. Fox was cheerful by nature.
If you look good and clean, they will stop for you.
But they didn’t.
It was fourty minutes already and Risa, tired from the last night, was almost crying.
Truck loaded with sheep was coming. They lowered their hands. This one will not stop.
It did!
“You need a ride?”
The sheep smelled of hope.

Obrázek uživatele Tess

Stay Low, Stay Safe

Úvodní poznámka: 

Na pokračování, opět mimo pořadí témat, následujte šipky.


Risa shot up gasping for air.
That dark wave was not a dream. She could half-feel it. It was real. Without thinking she pulled couple of things out of her pockets and started forming a protective star.
She was never taught this, but since early childhood she knew how to protect against shadows lurking in half-seen darkness.
Her hand stopped before she began with the activation.
Do not use any magic. Under any circumstances.
This was magic. Low key, but magic.
She dropped her hand and scattered the objects into a non-pattern.
Then laid down and let the darkness flow.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca



Baksheesh was a lot of things in this part of the world.
An expression of appreciation for services rendered.
A way to grease the rusty wheels of bureaucracy into action.
Or a closing of a deal nobody wanted on paper for things you couldn't acquire any other way.
The military encouraged its people to show initiative.
As he offered money in a handshake to the person against him, he doubted this is what they would have in mind
Iraq was a warzone.
Everything around it was at fragile peace.
If his father is out there, he'll need a local guide.

Obrázek uživatele Blanca

Change in the Weather


"You look tired," Deirdre wasn't beating around the bush.
"I am."
He looked over his shoulder, making sure nobody was listening.
"You know dad's 'When tired, push harder' isn't always right..."
"...about that..."
He fell silent. He couldn't bring himself to tell her.
She probably read it in his eyes.
In the silence he heard voices.
"...SAPFU like you can't imagine. Dirties using magic, they say. Tango Bravo Sierra, if you ask me."
"Anyway, we're Oscar Mike at o'dark thirty. Better hope the cousins get that ASS back out of Syria..."
"Thorne, are you listening?"
"Sorry, time to push harder."


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